
Beware of scams

Real estate scams affect thousands of people every year. Fraudsters use methodologies that are now known to professionals in the real estate world and, sometimes, manage to pull off transactions so sophisticated as to seem far-fetched. The most common victims are people who have no experience in real estate transactions and, not knowing the pitfalls, think they can manage the sale...

Usability certificate

The problem of the certificate of viability must be addressed from the beginning of the contract by expert and professional staff, in order to avoid disputes at the time of the deed.The function of the usability certificate is to "certify the existence of conditions of safety, hygiene, health, energy saving of the buildings and systems installed in them, assessed according to current legislation".When...

Why is better to give the EXCLUSIVE to an Agency ?

Entrusting the assignment exclusively to a real estate agency means, for the seller, contractually committing for a certain period of time so that the negotiation of the house is entrusted only to the appointed broker. Unfortunately, many believe that by assigning a mandate to sell to several agencies at the same time, the goal of the sale can be achieved sooner because, erroneously, they see...

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